Some side notes to this page....
The precipitation is in the form of liquid...
July is the warmest month for the area.
January is the coldest month for the area...
August is the wettest month for the area....
Febuary is the driest month for the area....
The following format is use on this page...
Avg high, Avg low, Mean temp, Avg precip, Record high, Record low...;
JAN....21...1...11....0.91....52 1981.....-43....1982.
FEB....27...6...17...0.81.....55 1981.....-37....1996.
MAR..39...19..29..1.64.....80 1986.....-38....1962.
APR...55...33..44...2.47....90 1980.........2....1995.
MAY..67...45..56...3.13....94 2006.......15....1967.
JUN...76....54..65...3.93....98 1963.......28....1972.
JUL...81....59..70...3.75....100 2006.....36....1969.
AUG..78...57..68...4.25....101 2006......34...2004.
SEP...69...48..59....3.89....95 1976.......27.....1981.
OCT..56...36..46....3.02....87 1976........9.....1981.
NOV..39..23...31...1.86.....71 1978......-22...1976.
DEC..24....8...16....1.15....60 2001......-40....1983.
Monthly avg are different than daily....So you may see records that have been broken on the daily avgs and won't see them on the montly avgs, as all the info is done on avgs of 20 year period...Keep that in mind!
Pop Pop Heaven
5 years ago