This info has changed a little since our last post back on Sept 14th...
2010 Severe and non severe thunderstorms days, has been updated to add in for Nov and Dec….The 2010 summer will be remembered for its violent weather that hit the area…. However the stats below come from our office… This is for Barron County alone Until we talk about tornadoes then we will cover the whole FA…
Grand total for thunderstorm days is 50…
Grand total for severe thunderstorm days is 11…everyday wind damage, a few days hail damage….
Lets break this down month by month…
Jan =0
Feb= 0
March had 1 thunderstorm day.
0 Severe thunderstorm days.
April had 7 thunderstorm days…
2, 12, 13, 14, 15, 29, and 30.
0 Severe thunderstorm days…
May had 5 thunderstorm days
4, 22, 25,26,and 30.
0 Severe thunderstorm days.
June 12 thunderstorm days.
4, 5, 6, 11, 15, 17, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, and 27.
6 of them were severe thunderstorm days.
0 Severe thunderstorm days.
July had 10 thunderstorm days.
4, 5, 11, 14, 17, 18, 20,23, 24, and 27.
6 of them day were severe thunderstorms days.
11, 14, 17, 18, 20, and 27.
August had 7 thunderstorm days.
7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 20, and 31
4 of these day were severe thunderstorm days.
7, 8, 12, and 13
September had 5 thunderstorm days.
2, 6, 15, 21, 27
1 of them was a severe thunderstorm day
October had two 2 thunderstorm days.
24, 25
0 severe thunderstorm days
November had 1 thunderstorm day
22 which was thundersnow.
December had 1 thunderstorm day
11 and it was thundersnow.
Severe thunderstorm watches that were issued..
4/30…5/17…5/23…7/20.7/27 …8/8…8/13….9/21…
Tornado watches that were issued…
5/17…6/25...7/14….7/27….8/7….. 8/12….
So we had 8 severe thunderstorm watches issued..
6 tornado watches issued....
Not all days that watches were issued had severe thunderstorms/tornadoes…
Barron County had 3 tornadoes which all 3 were rated EF 1
Polk County has 3 tornadoes 2 rated EF 0 one rated EF1
ST. Croix County had 1 tornado and it was rated EF1
Pierce County had one tornado it was rated EF 2
Burnett County had 1 tornado it was rated EF 1
Ashland County had 2 tornadoes 1 was rated EF 2 and the other rated EF0
Iron County had one tornado it was rated EF 1…..
Overall Barron County had the most EF1 tornadoes.
The Counties that had the strongest tornadoes EF2 are as follows… Ashland, and Pierce…
Won’t go into warnings as there was so many issued just for Barron County alone… Right off the top of my head there was at least 4 tornado warnings that I know of issued for Barron County….
Notice the Dunn County tornado was dropped from the list... As it was not confirmed and not listed in WI 2010 plots. If it was to be listed once again it would rate EF0 once again.......
Barron County did come up the winner for seeing the most widespread damage along with very large hail and damage from that..
St.Croix and Dunn Counties came up the winners in the most flooding throughout the area....
Remind you Dirk chased all these events and his chase logs and pictures can confirm how we came up with the winners list....
Info came from the our office, Our storm chaser Dirk Miller, along with our weather observer's, and the NWS that covers our FA....
Pop Pop Heaven
5 years ago