Some more flip flopping in the models as thought would happen....Thinking is we will see this flip flopping game right through Saturday's computer runs.....Track this time around is more North....Which would still give my Northern areas a good snow event.....I'm sure the 12z runs tomorrow will have this all changed once again......Something we will need to watch....Overall though this does not look to be a full blown winter storm for the my Northern FA, as of right now the GOM will not be open for too much biz....Hence lesser moisture flow North....Also forecasted thunderstorm down South will also rob a lot of moisture....System still has moisture to work with from the Pacific ocean....This storm track still is not set in stone...Far away from it....Though the track is not changing by 100s of miles..So just maybe the models are starting to latch on the track.....
Maps below are off the 0Z runs......Cick to see a larger picture....
Pop Pop Heaven
5 years ago