Many have emailed me about measuring snowfall amounts…So this time around I will show you how we use our snow gauge…..Before we get to that… There are many ways one can measure snowfall… I’m only going to talk about the ways I use… I use two different ways… 1 is a snowfall gauge which we will show you how to do… I also have three snow broads I use…. We will show you how we use them next time around….
Ok first we have our professional rain gauge which is converted into a snow gauge….
First off we remove the top funnel, then the inner tube...You will want to do this before the temps get to 32°f or the inner tube could crack...
Now the gauge is ready to measure snowfall....So the outer tube can go back outside....
Ok picture above shows snow in the guage, now one can take readings throughout the storm this way and record it each time a reading is taken... I like to want until the end of the storm to do the snowfall totals..Unless I see the the gauge is getting close to full then a reading must be taken...
Picture above show we brought the gauge inside.... Picture below shows that we are going to stick a 12" ruler into the gauge...
Picture below shows the ruler all the way to the bottom of the gauge... Now we are ready to read our snowfall amount... Now we got out reading of the snowfall...Now we melt the snow down to see how much liquid is in the snow... This can be done different ways..I like to use a sink filled with hot water... Picture below shows we ready to see how much liquid is in the snow.. So we now dump the water into the inner tube.
Picture below shows we are now ready to take the reading....
Once this is all done the outter tube goes back on duty.... With snow broads I use three of them I take a measurment from all three then avg them out... Really I avg all four readings out to come up with the snow amounts.... Then record them and keep doing that untill the storm is over... This can be done as often as needed, however it depends on how hard it's snow for me I like to get out and measure every few hrs or so... Again a number factors tell me when I need to do this.... Next time around I will show you how we use our snow broads ....