Just about the whole FA saw snowfall from this past winter storm... The highest amounts were reported over in MN and along with my far Northern Central areas, and throughout my Northern Northern areas... While place in my Southern area didn't see alot of snowfall due to warmer air being pulled into the system in the lower and middle layers this caused the snow to mix with and change over to all rain... This was the case in Rice Lake, while here at the office we did see some rain mix in with the snow it changed back over to snow rather fast....Sleet was also reported in areas throughout the FA.... First map below shows our snowfall forecast map...
The map below shows the over all snowfall amounts that were reported... There may have been higher amounts or lesser amounts... This is just the overall view based on reported amounts...
Then for the SFC map from the Sat Nov 13..
Here is the ir4 from GOES 13....
Both the SFC map and the sat images came from the NWS..... Pictures below were taken by The Weather Center...
The snow was very wet... Here at the office we picked up 6.50" of snow... After we melted it down we came up with 0.89" of liquid...
Pop Pop Heaven
5 years ago