Looking back at June 2012…..
There was 13 non severe thunderstorms days.
There was 1 severe thunderstorm day.
There was 1 tornado watch issued.
There was 2 severe thunderstorm watches issued.
There were no tornado warnings issued.
There was 4 severe thunderstorm warnings issued..(all 4 on
the same day)
Days that had non severe thunderstorms are as follows…… 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th,10th
, 11th , 16th , 17th , 18th , 19th and the 20th …..
Days that had severe thunderstorms……the 14th in
which we got a hail storm in the morning hours.
Days that had severe thunderstorm warning issued….The 14th
June was way above normal in rainfall.
June was just slightly warmer than normal….
Looking back at June
There was only 10 non severe thunderstorms days, there was
no severe thunderstorms days….
There 2 tornado watches issued……There was no severe
thunderstorm watch issued…..There were no tornado or severe thunderstorm
warnings issued.
So you can see this year in June was more active than last year.